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The Wind of Divinity

Javier Romano

Unlike traditional Chess, Quaternity Chess cannot be predictable in mathematical terms.

In this game you are not required to only exercise your linear, logical thinking.

A good ludic performance depends on the balanced alternation of the two main brain functions and a 'little more'.

This ‘little more’ would be a sort of sixth sense, intuition or even extra sensorial perception (ESP) that can be in tune with the flow of what one might call “the wind of Divinity”, (Kami-Kaze, in Japanese).

This ‘mysterious’ element, albeit omnipresent, can manifest itself during a game at any moment, sometimes in a very conspicuous manner, influencing the players’s intentions and so radically altering the direction of the game in unexpected ways.

To be open and in tune with this intangible force can ocassionally help to win, like knowing how to use the wind if you were sailing.

But... who would become the winner if all four players were actually in tune with that force?

The winning reward is -apparently- apportioned to the player that “deserves” it.

But, what abilities and more importantly, who determines the final verdict?

The judgement criteria might often seem obscure or even unfair, especially if you are accustomed to predictable outcomes based on reasonable performance.

It is an undeniable fact that qualities like patience, observation, presence, real attention, flexibility, fair conduct and so on as well as strategic and logical thinking are relevant elements influencing the overall result.

Whatever the final outcome of a game -whether one wins or not- the complex dynamics of this enthralling game can provide plenty of opportunities for the exercising and development of the special faculties of perception -as well as being a source of exquisite entertainment- to maintain us joyfully occupied for generations to come.

J. Romano


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